Ahead of its participation in the UN General Assembly, Islamic Relief is calling for sustainable development goals that create a cleaner, safer, and fairer world for all.
Dr Mohamed Ashmawey, CEO of Islamic Relief Worldwide, said: “Whilst there has been progress against the Millennium Development Goals – which end next year – much more is needed to tackle the challenges facing the world today.
“Now is the time to commit to ambitious, robust goals to eradicate global poverty and ensure equity for the world’s most vulnerable people.”
The UN General Assembly in New York begins on 16 September. Islamic Relief, through its programme of work to shape the post-2015 development agenda, is to participate in a series of events – and a key climate change summit which will be held next week.
Throughout the events, we will continue to push for world leaders to formulate sustainable goals for development post-2015. We will meet member states directly and participate in global NGO coalitions such as Beyond 2015.
Islamic perspectives on alleviating poverty and suffering

Our comprehensive engagement at this year’s General Assembly includes holding a side event highlighting our Islamic perspectives on environmental protection and poverty reduction, involving leading Islamic scholars working on Eco-Islam. Our Senior Advisor on Environmental Sustainability is to address a ground-breaking theological conference that will bring together faith-based approaches to climate change.
Islamic Relief USA is also mobilising its supporters to join the People’s Climate March on Sunday, which will end in an inter-faith service in central Manhattan. CEO Anwar Khan is to attend several high-level events.
Perspectives from Africa will be represented by the Chair of Islamic Relief’s Africa Development Committee, Tahir Salie, of Islamic Relief South Africa.
Representatives from the Islamic Relief family are convening a key meeting with member states to build on the post-2015 advocacy that many national offices have already begun.
We are also to join with faith-based organisations in a UN ‘call for action’ on sexual and reproductive health. This is part of our sustained engagement with the UNFPA and efforts to strengthen faith-based approaches in this vital area.
Islamic Relief uses its profile to advocate extensively for decisive action to alleviate poverty and suffering across the globe. As a policy leader on Islamic humanitarianism, we develop distinctive, practical approaches to the key issues that are affecting our world today.